One Planet One Life
Hammerhead shark
Hawksbill Turtle
In Focus
It's heartbreaking to think about the impact of human activities on these species, leaving them behind as dead animals in the ocean. It's crucial for us to take action to protect these animals and their habitats, through measures such as sustainable fishing practices, reducing plastic pollution, and enforcing laws and regulations against illegal wildlife trade.
This series of artwork talks about about By-catch! Wherever there is fishing, there is bycatch—the incidental capture of non-target species such as dolphins, marine turtles and seabirds. Thousands of miles of nets and lines are set in the world's oceans each day. Modern fishing gear, often undetectable by sight and extremely strong, is very efficient at catching the desired fish species—as well as anything else in its path. A staggering amount of marine life—including turtles, dolphins and juvenile fish—is hauled up with the catch, and then discarded overboard dead or dying.

It is estimated that 300,000 small whales and dolphins, 50 million sharks and rays and 250,000 turtles die annually as bycatch. Many of these animals are keystone species, which means they play a crucial role in their ecosystem. As a result, ecosystems may collapse without them.

​​Iqrut fist saw this issue through a netflix series called “Seaspiracy”, which exposed some of the devastating activities taking place in our fishing industry. Seaspiracy has been a widely talked about documentary on Netflix that sheds light on the detrimental impact of commercial fishing on marine life and ocean ecosystems. The documentary raises concerns about issues such as overfishing, bycatch, illegal fishing practices, and the impact of fishing on marine habitats. The documentary has sparked a global conversation on the importance of sustainable fishing practices and the need to protect our oceans.

The use of the deep red lacquer glossy finish in the die-cast aluminum process is a powerful visual representation of the impact of human activity on the ocean and its inhabitants. It highlights the bloodshed and ecological disbalance caused by the overfishing and exploitation of marine life. The use of this technique in the creation of the artworks helps to draw attention to these critical issues and raise awareness of the urgent need to take action to protect and conserve our oceans.

Supporting NGOs that work towards reducing the impact of bycatch and promoting sustainable fishing practices is crucial for protecting the health of our oceans and the species that call it home. By contributing a portion of the proceeds from the sale of the artwork to these organizations, Iqrut is helping to support their important work and raise awareness about the issue. It's important for individuals and businesses to take responsibility for their impact on the environment and to actively work towards a sustainable future.

The problem?

Sources - Multiple from the web

Using pole and line. Some fisheries simply use poles and lines to catch fish, greatly reducing the risk of bycatch. About 40 percent of fish caught worldwide are captured unintentionally and are either thrown back dying or left to die on the boat. This amounts to around 38 million tonnes of sea creatures caught as bycatch every year

“Reducing bycatch is a win/win for fishermen and the ocean”. “By eliminating wasteful and harmful fishing practices we can restore and maintain fish populations that are essential to renewed abundance and healthy oceans, while also preventing the deaths of whales, dolphins, seals and sea turtles.”

Fishing industry leaders increasingly realize the need to reduce this phenomenon. Proven solutions do exist, such as modifying fishing gear so that fewer non-target species are caught or can escape. In many cases, these modifications are simple and inexpensive, and often come from fishers themselves.

Finishing can't be stopped, what we can do is reduce the consumption of fish in our diet or help raise money for the organisations working on this issue at large. Report something unlawful you see while you travel to the right authorities so that the right action can be taken. Making use of the power of social media to further spread this information so that informed decision is taken.

The Solution?